Journal Papers:

[1]    W. Qiu, D. Zhou, W. Hui, A.R. Kwabena, Y. Xing, Y. Qian, Q. Li, H. Pu, Y. Xie*, Terrain-shape-adaptive coverage path planning with traversability analysis, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2024, 110:41. (PDF)

[2]    Y. Xie, J. Liu, Y. Yang*, Pose optimization for mobile manipulator grasping based on hybrid manipulability, Industrial Robot, 2024, 51(1): 134-147. (PDF)

[3]    Y. Yang, G. Fang, Z. Miao, Y. Xie*, Indoor-outdoor point cloud alignment using semantic-geometric descriptor, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(20): 5119. (PDF)

[4]    Y. Feng, Z. Gao, J. Zhang, H. Shi, Yangmin Xie*, 3D environment Mapping with a variable resolution NDT method, Machines, 2022, 10(12): 1200. (PDF)

[5]    邵鑫, 季力, 邹怀武, 解杨敏*, 一种基于激光位移测量的机械臂参数标定方法, 北京航空航天大学学报, 2022, 48(11): 2281-2288. (PDF)

[6]    H. Geng, Z. Gao, G. Fang, Y. Xie*, 3D object recognition and localization with a dense LiDAR scanner, Actuators, 2022, 11(1): 13. (PDF)

[7]    J. Zhu, Y. Tang, X. Shao, Y. Xie*, Multisensor fusion using fuzzy inference system for a Visual-IMU-Wheel odometry, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 2505216. (PDF)

[8]    Y. Li, Y. Tang, H. Shi*, A study on soft material parameter determination by iterative force-displacement curve fitting, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021, 6(2): 3864-3869. (PDF)

[9]    解杨敏*, 季力, 魏祥泉, 陈萌, 邹怀武, 国内外行星表面巡视器自主导航技术研究, 上海航天, 2021, 38(1): 61-71. (PDF)

[10] Y. Xie, Y. Tang, R. Zhou, Y. Guo, H. Shi*, Map merging with terrain-adaptive density using mobile 3D laser scanner, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020, 134: 103649. (PDF)

[11] Y. Xie, R. Zhou, Y. Yang*, Improved distorted configuration space path planning and its application to robot manipulators, Sensors, 2020, 20(21): 6060. (PDF)

[12] Y. Yang, Q. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Xie*, Iterative learning-based path and speed profile optimization for an unmanned surface vehicle, Sensors, 2020, 20(2): 439. (PDF)

[13]  彭艳,鲍凌志,瞿栋,解杨敏*, Multi-Bug全局路径规划算法, 农业机械学报, 2020, 51(6): 375-384. (PDF)

[14]  H. Shi, C. Wang, L. Liu, Z. Gao, Y. Xie*, An active control strategy to suppress nonlinear vibrations of large space membranes, Acta Astronautica, 2019, 155: 80-89. (PDF)

[15]  蔡军, 赵原, 李宇豪, 解杨敏*, 一种三维激光扫描系统的设计及参数标定, 北京航空航天大学学报2018, 44(10): 2208-2216. (PDF)

[16]  Y. Xie, C. Wang, H. Shi*, J. Shi, A data driven control method for structure vibration suppression, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 143: 302-309. (PDF)

[17]  Y. Xie, H. Shi*, F. Bi, J. Shi, A MIMO data driven control to suppress structural vibrations, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 77: 429-438. (PDF)

[18]  H. Shi, S. Yuan, B. Yang*, New methodology of surface mesh geometry design for deployable mesh reflectors, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2018, 55: 266-281. (PDF)

[19]  解杨敏*, 郭煜坤, 邹怀武, 史航, 曲率分析的变分辨率数字高程模型建模算法, 国防科技大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 170-176. (PDF)

[20]  董方新, 蔡军, 解杨敏*, 立体视觉和三维激光系统的联合标定方法, 仪器仪表学报, 2017, 38(10): 2589-2596. (PDF)

[21]  Y. Xie, H. Shi*, A. Alleyne, B. Yang, Feedback shape control for deployable mesh reflectors using gain scheduling method, Acta Astronautica, 2016, 121: 241-255. (PDF)

[22]  Y. Xie, L. Rustom, A. McDermott, J. Boerckel, A. Johnson, A. Alleyne, D. Hoelzel*, Net shape fabrication of calcium phosphate scaffolds with multiple material domains, Biofabrication, 2016, 8(1): 015005. (PDF)

[23]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, Two degree of freedom control synthesis with applications to agricultural systems, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2014, 136(5): 051006. (PDF)

[24]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, A robust two degree-of-freedom controller for systems with both model and measurement uncertainty, Control Engineering Practice, 2014, 25: 55-65. (PDF)

[25]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, A. Greer, D. Deneault, Fundamental limits in combine harvester header height control, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2013, 135(3): 034503. (PDF)

[26]  B. Yang*, H. Shi, A thermal stability criterion for heat conduction in multilayer composite solids, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2009, 131: 111304. (PDF)

[27]  H. Shi*, Y. Yang, A computational model of visual attention based on saliency maps, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 188(2): 1671-1677. (PDF)


Conference Papers:

[1]    Y. Yang, J. Liu, Q. Yang, H. Shi, Y. Xie*, Path-planning for the human-arm-like collaborative robot with the capability of infinite rotation, ROBIO 2023, Koh Samui, Thailand, Dec. 4-9, 2023. (PDF)

[2]    H. Shi, W. Cui, Y. Meng, S. Wang, Y. Xie*, Steering through waters: exploring turning control techniques for soft underwater snake robots, ROBIO 2023, Koh Samui, Thailand, Dec. 4-9, 2023. (PDF)

[3]    Y. Xie, J. Zhang, W. Qian, Y. Feng, H. Shi, Y. Yang*, A UKF-based loose coupling framework for odometry fusion, ICARCE 2023, Wuhan, China, Dec. 14-16, 2023. (PDF)

[4]    Y. Yang, J. Zhang, W. Qian, H. Geng, Y. Xie*, Autonomous exploration for mobile robot in three dimensional multi-layer space, ICIRA2023, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 5-7, 2023. (PDF)

[5]    Y. Peng, T. Mo, D. Zheng, Q. Deng, J. Wang, D. Qu, Y. Xie*, Model predictive control-based pursuit-evasion games for unmanned surface vessel, ICIRA2023, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 5-7, 2023. (PDF)

[6]    Y. Lin, Y. Fei, Y. Gao, H. Shi, Y. Xie*, A LiDAR-camera calibration and sensor fusion method with edge effect elimination, ICARCV 2022, Singapore, Dec. 11-13, 2022. (PDF)

[7]    Z. Cao, T. Huang, Z. Bao, Y. Xie, H. Shi*, Obstacle avoidance path planning and motion control for a multi-joint soft manipulator, 11th DDCLS, Emeishan, China, Aug. 5-7, 2022: 1419-1426. (PDF)

[8]    Y. Tang, J. Cai, M. Chen, X. Yan, Y. Xie*, An autonomous exploration algorithm using environment-robot interacted traversability analysis, 2019 IROS, Macau, China, Nov. 4-9, 2019. (PDF)

[9]    H. Shi, Y. Wang, F. Peng, Y. Xie*, Data driven controller design via a frequency domain approach with application on structure control, ICARCV 2016, Phuket, Thailand, Nov. 13-15, 2016. (PDF)

[10] L. Lv, Y. Wang, H. Shi*, K. Xian, F. Peng, Numerical and experimental study on optimal control for active vibration suppression of the antenna structure, 34th CCC, Hangzhou, China, Jul. 28-30, 2015: 2407-2412. (PDF)

[11] Y. Xie, C. Xie, H. Shi*, Deployment process control of space masts via iterative learning control, 27th CCDC, Qingdao, China, May 23-25, 2015: 1026-1031. (PDF)

[12] M. Liang, C. Xu, Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, High resolution digital elevation modeling with on-vehicle sensors, 2014 DSCC, San Antonio, TX, USA, Oct. 22-24, 2014. (PDF)

[13] Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, Robust two degree-of-freedom control for mimo system with both model and signal uncertainties, 19th IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 24-29, 2014, 47(3): 9313-9320. (PDF)

[14] Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, Integrated design and control for header height control of combine harvesters, 2014 ACC, Portland, OR, USA, Jun. 4-6, 2014: 2705-2710. (PDF)

[15] H. Shi*, C. Xie, D. Liu, F. Peng, Modeling and analysis of reinforced membranes for space applications, 65th IAC, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 29 - Oct. 3, 2014. (PDF)

[16] H. Shi, B. Yang*, H. Fang, Optimal shape design for offset-feed deployable mesh reflectors with high operating frequencies, 19th Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, Florence, Italy, Oct. 14-17, 2013. (PDF)

[17]  H. Shi, B. Yang*, H. Fang, Offset-feed surface mesh generation for design of space deployable mesh reflectors, 54th AIAA SDM Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Apr. 8-11, 2013. (PDF)

[18]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, A robust two degree-of-freedom controller for systems with delay, 2013 ACC, Washington, DC, USA, Jun. 17-19, 2013: 4086-4091. (PDF)

[19]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, Two degrees of freedom control for combine harvester header height control, 2012 DSCC, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, Oct. 17-19, 2012: 539-547. (PDF)

[20]  H. Shi, Y. Xie*, B. Yang, Feedback shape control for deployable mesh reflectors, 2012 DSCC, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, Oct. 17-19, 2012: 195-203. (PDF)

[21]  H. Shi, B. Yang*, M. Thomson, H. Fang, Automatic surface mesh generation for design of space deployable mesh reflectors, 53rd AIAA SDM Conference, Honolulu, HA, USA, Apr. 23-26, 2012. (PDF)

[22]  H. Shi, B. Yang*, M. Thomson, H. Fang, Coupled elastic-thermal dynamics of deployable mesh reflectors, 52nd AIAA SDM Conference, Denver, CO, USA, April 4-7, 2011. (PDF)

[23]  H. Shi, B. Yang*, M. Thomson, H. Fang, A nonlinear dynamic model and free vibration analysis of deployable mesh reflectors, 52nd AIAA SDM Conference, Denver, CO, USA, April 4-7, 2011. (PDF)

[24]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, Integrated plant and controller design of a combine harvester system, 2011 DSCC, Arlington, VA, USA, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2011: 819-825. (PDF)

[25]  H. Shi, B. Yang*, M. Thomson, H. Fang, Nonlinear modeling and optimal initial profile solution for deployable mesh reflectors, 51st AIAA SDM Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, April. 13-16, 2010. (PDF)

[26]  Y. Xie, A. Alleyne*, A. Greer, D. Deneault, Header height control of a combine harvester system, 2010 DSCC, Cambridge, MA, USA, Sep. 12-15, 2010: 7-14. (PDF)